After the hard work of breaking the tour down into sections and
trying to get a nice flow to the tour was completed, the issue then became how
to be clearer. This was focused on correct pronunciation of English words. I could tell how difficult and frustrating
this was a times.
Yong in particular impressed me with her concentration on getting
the right sounds and practising, particularly on the start of words. She needs work on finishing her words
properly. Smey is great when he
concentrates, but seems to lose focus a little more quickly. He has been paying attention to finishing his
words, but still needs to be even clearer when using technical terms.
They would benefit a lot from working with eachother whenever
possible, perhaps by taking turns reading out loud to eachother and correcting
or improving pronunciation where necessary.
In such a short time though, both Yong and Smey have become much
clearer as has been noticeable from the guests comprehension when observing